Monthly Archives: February 2016

8 posts

Musical shamrocks is a fun game to play at a St. Patrick's Day party with kids.

Musical Shamrocks

Did you ever play musical chairs as a kid? When I was little, I didn’t like playing that game. I”m not exactly sure why. Maybe it was because I didn’t like the pushing and shoving that the other kids did in an effort to make sure they got a chair. […]

Use this sign generator to create signs using charcters from Dr. Seuss books. Cool!

Dr. Seuss Sign Generator

When my littlest sister was born, I discovered the book Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You? by Dr. Seuss. She loved listening to me read it and I loved reading it to her. That began my love affair with Dr. Seuss books. When I had children of my own, I […]

Make a Valentine resist art drawing using a hot glue gun and paint.

Valentine Resist Art

Do you know what resist art is? I didn’t either until a while ago. When I learned about it, I was itching to do an art activity with my grandkids. I was finally — FINALLY — able to do a Valentine themed one with my granddaughter. While grandkids of all […]

Make a green Valentine (green hearts Mod Podged onto a green bar of soap) in symbolic support of protecting the world for generations to come against damaging the climate.

Green Valentine

The other day a representative from the WWF-UK (World Wildlife Fund – UK) contacted me. “Would you be interested in participating in a ‘green’ Valentine activity?” they asked me. My answer? For sure! I’m all about clean energy and being ‘green.’ We built and live in a solar envelope home. […]