
74 posts

Do You Remember

(NOTE: I was given a copy of this book but all opinions are my own.) Do You Remember by Sydney Smith starts out with a mother and son snuggling in bed. The mother asks the son if he remembered a picnic where the son looked for bugs and snakes. Yup. […]

Scaredy Cats

(NOTE: I was given a copy of this book but all opinions are my own.) Some kids experience fears. Scared of spiders? Strange people? A boogey man under the bed? These are fairly normal. Do you have any grandkids that are afraid of things? Then Scaredy Cats by Jeff Mack […]

My Tiny Life

(NOTE: I was given a copy of this book but all opinions are my own.) We have had a hummingbird feeder for a long time. (Can you see the hummingbird in the picture below?) Our grandkids always love it when they see hummingbirds at the feeder. Sometimes, they’ve seen 6 […]

Just SNOW Already!

(NOTE: I was given a copy of this book but all opinions are mine.) Every state in the U.S. has had at least one day with an all-time maximum temperature of 100 degrees or above this summer. Utah (where I live) broke its all-time record highs. Other states have similar […]