Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together
Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together

Christmas Countdown

This Christmas countdown helps children learn their numbers -- as they anxiously await Christmas Day.

I have several purposes in mind for today’s post. First, I want to share with you a Christmas countdown.

Since my grandchildren are learning their numbers, I wanted a countdown to help them with numbers.

Plus, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about grandmothers who do not live near their grandchildren. I wanted something that they could easily mail (or e-mail) to their far-away-grandchildren without having to mortgage the farm to pay the mailing costs.

This is what I came up with. First, you need to print off the following countdown. Print one for each of your grandchildren.

Next, get some Christmas stickers. Give a set of stickersĀ to your grandchildren. Make sure the stickers fit mostly on the squares. I got mine at the dollar store and they worked just fine.

This Christmas countdown helps children learn their numbers.

The ideas is that each day your grandchild will put a sticker on the appropriate numbered square as they count down to Christmas.

This will reinforce number recognition. Each grandchild will be able to add to his own countdown. (Whereas on family countdowns, grandkids have to take turns.)

You might also want to check out my Santa countdown and my Frosty the Snowman countdown. They are a variation of this same idea — only a little bit different.

I hope this is the beginning of a lovely Christmas holiday season for you.


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