Yearly Archives: 2011

20 posts

Bike-or-ee for Grandchildren

Have you heard about Boy Scout Jamborees or Boy Scout Camp-orees? Well, I have an idea for grandkids. It’s called a Bike-or-ee and that’s where grandkids go to grandma’s house to do fun activities on their bikes. First, give your grandchildren crepe paper strips to weave between their bike spokes. […]

Have a pajama-rama with the kids!~

Pajama-rama for Grandchildren

Pajama-rama. Pajama-rama!  (Which rhymes with llama.) Don’t you just love saying that word? Gather your grandchildren around for a Pajama-rama activity. Have them wear their PJs (and  you wear yours, too, grandma!) and come prepared for lots o’ fun.  (You don’t need to connect it to a sleep over — […]