Monthly Archives: May 2014

4 posts

Improve your child's vocabulary this summer by playing this fun word game.

Word Island

I love learning new words. And, I love confabulating* with my children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and the random man on the street to help them learn new words. (*confabulate – verb that means chat) So, I came up with a game that you can play with the grandchildren that will […]

Water bull's-eye is a great game to keep kids busy, happy, and cool during summertime.

Water Bull’s Eye!

Summer. Kids. Water. Those things go together like bacon and eggs. If you are like me, you’re already thinking about things that you can do in the summertime with your grandchildren. When you put water activities on your agenda, it will be a hit with the kiddos. Water Bull’s Eye […]

How to Write a Memoir in 30 Days is a great book to help you painlessly write your memoir.

Write Your Memoir

When many people arrive at their golden years, they feel the urge to share their life story. Have you every felt that way? But then, thinking about chronicling the past 60, 70, or even 80 years of your life can be a daunting thought. You might feel that it would […]

Make this soft-as-silk play dough with your kids!

Soft-As-Silk Play Dough

(Note: my husband used my cell phone to take pictures of this activity. They all turned out sepia-toned. Let’s pretend that we intentionally planned it that way, okay?) My older sister, Linda, shared with me a recipe for homemade play dough that is super soft. She shared it a LONG […]