
40 posts

This is Tap

(NOTE: I was given a copy of this book but all opinions are my own.) First, a wee bit of back story. Years ago, I was on the board of directors for our city’s community theater. I was over ticket sales the first year. That year, the play was No, […]

ABC’s for Strong Girls

(NOTE: I was given a copy of this coloring book to review but all opinions are my own.) The world that my granddaughters are growing up in is SO much different from the one I grew up in. (Sheesh! I grew up in a different century and a different millennium. […]

The Night Tent

(NOTE: I was given a copy of this book to review but all opinions are my own.) Sometimes, kids have a hard time going to sleep. (I identify with that and I’m hardly a kid!) Well, this is about Watson who can’t go to sleep because he’s worried about the […]

Graysen Foxy Book Review

(NOTE: I was given a copy of this book to preview but all opinions are mine.) One lost treasure. One determined fifth-grade treasure hunter. One set of faithful twin third-grade assistants. One bully. One mortal enemy nicknamed Red Raven. A network of second-grade spies. One person with a secret agenda. […]