
14 posts

Here are some great games to play with kids at a Halloween party.

Halloween Games for Grandkids

I know that it is barely the first of October. But, if you are like me, you’re always on the lookout for ideas for Halloween games that you can do with your grandkiddos at your Halloween party. Here are a couple of ideas that take minimal preparation and are inexpensive […]

Games to Play with Grandchildren

Grandchildren. Games. Candy. Combined together, it doesn’t get better than this! I’ve got a simple game that is easy (and possibly tasty!) for your grandchildren to learn and play. Left-Right-Center Candy Game Items needed: 3 dice, a bunch of individually wrapped candy Each player begins with 3 pieces of candy.  […]

Grandma Ideas: Tic Tac Toe

Math Fun During the Summer

If you use the words ‘math’ and ‘fun’ and ‘summer’ all in the same sentence, how will your grandchildren react? Will they crinkle up their nose and say “blech?” Maybe so. But I hope not. When your children were in school, you probably heard teachers moan how children lose their […]

Quick Ideas for Thanksgiving

After stuffing yourself to the gills with at your fabulous Thanksgiving dinner, do something to burn off some of those calories. I know you probably won’t feel like getting up and moving. But, it will help you burn off some of the calories that you just consumed. That would be […]