Yearly Archives: 2013

39 posts

Service Star For Grandchildren

Thanksgiving is over and our thoughts are now focusing on Christmas. Well, if you are into shopping on Black Friday — which really started Thursday on Thanksgiving! — you’ve already been thinking about Christmas. And if you are like people in my neck of the woods, you might have put […]

Here are 5 free mazes to print out for kids to do.

Mazes for Kids

If your house is like mine on Thanksgiving, it’s rather crazy about an hour before we sit down to eat. I’m busy in the kitchen directing people to set the table, fill the water glasses, fold the napkins. I’m searching for spoons! Get out more serving spoons! I’m also scorching […]

Thanksgiving Finger Puppets

Do you need an activity (or two) to keep the grandkiddos busy and happy while everyone is waiting for the turkey to cook? Or after they’ve inhaled their Thanksgiving meal and need something to do to keep busy? And you don’t want to have something that is a big production […]

Make a Tom Turkey

My father was a very talented woodworker. He made beautiful wooden candlesticks, bowls, plates, wooden antique cars, and end tables. One Thanksgiving, he made a two-piece wooden turkey. Last year my sister, Kathy, came up with a fun craft based on that turkey. She traced around the wooden turkey that […]