Monthly Archives: November 2014

8 posts

Thanksgiving Hunt

After Thanksgiving dinner, the adults sit around in a caloric-laden haze. They generally don’t feel too motivated to be very active. But, grandchildren. That’s a different story. They are re-fueled and ready to run. To play. To do SOMETHING! Why not give the grandkids an activity to do to keep […]

Free printable to use for expressing things your family is thankful for.

I Am Thankful

This is a wonderful time of year to give thanks for everything that we have. I am thankful for such a wonderful, patient, kind, and loving husband who puts up with me. I love him dearly. I am grateful for our marvelous children who are amazing people. I am so blessed […]

Kids enjoy making this easy tube turkey craft.

Tube Tom Turkey

Recently, I saw the idea of making a turkey from an empty toilet paper tube. It seems that I have always have a flock of empty tubes lurking in my craft box. There’s just something that always says to me “save me” when all of the paper is gone. (Must […]

The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt is a funny children's picture book. Kids -- and parents -- will love reading this book over and over.

A Most Delightful Children’s Book

In days of yore (read that to mean when I was a kid in the Mesozoic era…) we had books about Dick and Jane. Yawn. It’s amazing that we learned how to read with such un-exciting books. It’s astonishing that some kids even grew to love reading despite those pathetically […]