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Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together

Name Crayons

The Crayon House makes crayons in the shape of individual letters. You can get a set that spells out your name. Sweet!

NOTE: I was given a set of name crayons to review but all opinions are my own.

In the play Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare wrote, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

Well, that which we call a crayon is definitely MUCH sweeter when it comes spelling your name!

Yep. You read that right. Crayons that spell a name.

And not just any Tom, Dick, or Harry name. No siree, Bob!

YOUR name! (Or the name of a grandchild.)

That name could be any name of your choosing! How sweet is that?

The Crayon House makes crayons in the shape of letters. Bright crayons. Colorful crayons. Crayons with swirls of multiple colors. Crayons with tons of kid appeal.

There are lots of things that I like about these name crayons.

First of all, I love that you can get them to spell a specific name. My granddaughter’s name has a unique spelling. That uniqueness means it isn’t easy to find things (like magnets) with the way her name is spelled. (I know the feeling. Very seldom do I ever find my name on tchotchkes. Boo hoo.)

The Crayon House solves that problem. It doesn’t matter how a name is spelled. With crayons in the shape of individual letters, they simply select the ones that spell a child’s name.

So bring on the unique names! The Crayon House has you covered.

When you place an order, your name crayons are placed in a lovely box that you can use to store them in. That makes it a wonderful way to keep them nice and organized (and easy to find later).

My granddaughter's name spelled out in crayons.

The box has a label using the child’s name. That puts the icing on the cake for making the crayons feel extra personalized.

I love how bright the colors are. Nothing drab here, folks. Those colors are exceptionally appealing.

The Crayon House makes crayons in the shape of individual letters. You can get a set that spells out your name. Sweet!

It is fun, fun, fun that a crayon isn’t just one color but a plethora of colors. You don’t have to put one crayon down and pick up another one when you want to change colors. Simply rotate the crayon to a different side and color away!

I like that they are chunky. For small grandchildren, this makes it easier for their hands to grasp a crayon.

I love how they make kids happy. This picture doesn’t do justice to the excitement that my granddaughter has for her crayons!

My granddaughter is so happy to get them!

Best of all, I like how kids can be creative with them while coloring. They can be clever and fanciful. Their imagination can soar. All while having fun.

My granddaughter loves using them!

Christmas is just around the corner. This would make a stupendous gift for a grandchild! Grandchildren would love the fun and the surprise of getting crayons in the shape of their name! (These crayons would also make terrific birthday presents — or a present for just because!)

Hurry, hurry, hurry to The Color House to place your order! Currently, you can get a set of name crayons for $15.99 which is a ten percent discount. Orders are made and shipped within 2 business days. Shipping is free. Wahoo!

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