
22 posts

Thanksgiving Finger Puppets

Do you need an activity (or two) to keep the grandkiddos busy and happy while everyone is waiting for the turkey to cook? Or after they’ve inhaled their Thanksgiving meal and need something to do to keep busy? And you don’t want to have something that is a big production […]

Make a Tom Turkey

My father was a very talented woodworker. He made beautiful wooden candlesticks, bowls, plates, wooden antique cars, and end tables. One Thanksgiving, he made a two-piece wooden turkey. Last year my sister, Kathy, came up with a fun craft based on that turkey. She traced around the wooden turkey that […]

Here is a Thanksgiving word search that you can do with your kids while waiting for your Thanksgiving dinner to cook.

Thanksgiving Word Searches

I have a love affair with words. Love, love, love them. I love to read them. I love to write them. I love to learn new ones. And, I love to play word games. (Word With Friends on my iPhone is my current favorite game.) Since I am so enamored […]