Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together
Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together

Hey, That’s My Monster

Hey, That's My Monster is a delightful children's picture book.

(NOTE: I was given a copy of this book but all opinions are my own.)

When I was in grade school, I had an awful nightmare. About a boogyman. A boogyman with a mime-white face, with eyes rimmed in kohl black, with Einstein hair, and with fingernails 12 inches long. (This was way before Edward Scissor Hands . . .) To this day, his face remains vivid in my memory.

Kids from time immemorial have had nightmares, fears of boogymen, angst about monsters. (Monsters Inc. anyone?)

But. What happens when a kid feels possessive over his monster? To the point where he doesn’t want to share his monster with anyone — even his little sister?

That’s what Hey, That’s My Monster by Amanda Noll is all about.

Gabe is Ethan’s monster. That is until one day — er night — Ethan looks under his bed. No Gabe. Instead, there is a note from Gabe explaining that Gabe is helping Ethan’s little sister, Emma, because she needs Gabe more.

Reading the book.

Emma’s problem is that she doesn’t stay in bed. She gets out, roams the house, and plays. No sleep for her. No siree, Bob!

Ethan begs Gabe to go back to Ethan’s room and get under Ethan’s bed. Gabe isn’t too keen on that idea. He tells Ethan that he has three tries to get Emma into bed. If Ethan can’t do that, Gabe will take over.

Ethan got a slime-covered monster with snot dripping from his nose to visit Emma. Emma merely laughed and wiped one of the monster’s noses. Ewww!

Strike one.

Then, Ethan gets Cynthia to come. (She’s my favorite monster!)

Hey, That's My Monster is a delightful children's picture book.

Cynthia fails. Emma isn’t any closer to getting into bed.

Strike two.

Then Vladimir comes with tentacles galore. Emma plays jump rope with Vladimir’s tentacles. No bed for Emma.

Strike three. Oops!

So Gabe takes HIS turn. (This is my favorite page in the book. I love the steam coming out of Gabe’s ears and I can hear him demand that Emma gets into bed.

Hey, That's My Monster is a delightful children's picture book.

Does that work?

Nope. Not even.

Then, there’s a tiny noise. Under Emma’s bed. What is it? What is making that noise?

Reading the book.

Well, I’m not gonna tell you what made the noise. I’m not gonna tell you if that noise scares Emma. I’m not gonna tell you if Ethan gets his monster back.

You’ll have to get a copy and read it to one of your grandkids to find out.

Will that be worth your time? Most definitely!

Will your grandchild love the book? Most definitely!

Will YOU love the book? Most definitely!

Do I recommend this book? Most definitely!

You can get a copy of Hey, That’s My Monster by Amanda Noll on Amazon for $16. You’ll be glad you did.

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