Panda Demick Book Review

NOTE: I was given a copy for review but all opinions are my own, This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has really thrown everyone’s life upside down. And little children have a hard time understanding exactly what is going on. Enter the book that John Shay has written — Panda Demick. […]

Name Crayons

NOTE: I was given a set of name crayons to review but all opinions are my own. In the play Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare wrote, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Well, that which we call a crayon […]

Christmas Coloring Pages for Kids

A couple of years ago I shared 7 free Christmas coloring pages. That has been one of my popular posts. Kids, Christmas, and coloring must go hand-in-hand! So. I thought that I would share a few more coloring pages. Some of them are for younger kids. Some are for older […]

outrun the moon

Outrun the Moon – A Young Adult Book Review

It’s 1906. In San Francisco. In Chinatown. It isn’t easy being a poor, fifteen-year-old Chinese girl. But Mercy Wong is determined. Very determined! She knows that the way to overcome her family’s poverty is to get an education and start her own business — one that pays better than working […]