Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together
Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together

Tag With a Twist

Jazz up your game of freeze tag with some glitter and have some sparkling great fun with your kids!

Want sparkling great fun with grandchildren?

Play glitter tag!

What is glitter tag? you ask.

This game just like Freeze Tag only a bit different.

(I can’t do things the normal way, now can I?)

Freeze Tag + glitter = Glitter Tag

Give each of your grandchildren a baggie with a little bit of glitter in it. You might want to give each grandchild a different color of glitter — if you have enough colors and if you don’t have a whole herd of grandkids!

Choose one grandchild to be “it”.  When you say “go,” everybody runs fast and furiously as far away from “it” as possible. (Boy, that sentence was brought to you by the letter F.)

If “it” tags someone, that grandchild is frozen and stays frozen until another grandchild sprinkles a smidgeon of glitter on him or her. Both kids scamper as far away as possible from the person who is it.

When “it” has frozen all of the players, a new “it” is chosen. However, if you can see that “it” is having a hard time tagging everybody, you might want to momentarily suspend play and select a different person to be “it.” Or, you could choose a second person to be “it.” Two would make the game go faster — and be more challenging for those being chased!

Your grandkids will have a spangly good time playing this game!

(You might want to say that sprinkling glitter in the hair is off limits.  Parents might be a tad unhappy to have a child come home from grandma’s with a head full of glitter that is hard to wash out.)

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