Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together
Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together

The First-Time Grandmother’s Journal Book Review

 The First-Time Grandmother's Journal by Lisa Carpenter is a great journaling book for new grandmothers. None should be without it.

NOTE: I was given a review copy of The First-Time Grandmother’s Journal: Inspiring Prompts to Celebrate Your Experience with a New Grandchild by Lisa Carpenter. However, all opinions are my own.

When I read a book so I can write a review of it, I keep a notebook and pen by my side. I underline things in the book that impress me. I turn down corners on pages I want to refer back to. I assiduously take notes. I draw stars by notes I deem important. Sometimes I put 2 stars by the notes.

In my notes for The First-Time Grandmother’s Journal: Inspiring Prompts to Celebrate Your Experience with a New Grandchild, I have not only stars and double stars but circles around the stars and underlines and double underlines.

Sheesh, I felt that ALL of my notes were critically important. Which goes to show just how important I thought the book was!

If I wrote about all of the wonderful things in Carpenter’s book, my post would be a book itself! So, I’ll show great restraint and share just a few of my thoughts.

First, this is meant to be a private-not-to-be-shared-with-anyone journal. Which is good. Your answers to some of the reflection questions could be totally different if you knew someone else was going to read them — especially the question about your child’s parenting style and how that parenting affects you. Or the question about sharing parenting advice. (Will your grandchild’s parents resent or welcome it, hmm?)

Next, people should not, let me repeat, SHOULD NOT skip the introduction. Sometimes, I have a tendency to fly right by it so I can get into the meat of the book. In my opinion, this introduction is just as important as the rest of the book!

One of my takeaways from the intro is the idea of nurturing not only your grandchild but also yourself. Wow! I had never thought about that. Nurturing yourself in your grandmothering journey. But, I see just how significant that advice is.

Now for some of my thoughts on the book.

I really liked the idea of pondering what non-holiday rituals you want to establish with your grandchild. Families have lots around holidays. But having a non-holiday tradition will be a special one that can create an extra wonderful bond between a grandchild and a grandmother. Isn’t that neat?

One question is about what scents you would like to be known for. Freshly baked bread, anyone? This reminded me of what a friend told me long ago. She has lots of long-distance grandkids. (That’s the pits, isn’t it?) She spritzes some of her perfume on the paper and envelopes that she uses to write her grandkids. (It’s the same perfume she wears all the time.) So, when her grandkids get her letters, they will smell her lovely, familiar scent.

Another question deals with forming a healthy bond with your grandchild. What will that bond look like? In years past, I think grandparents just let life with their grandkids happen. They didn’t think much about it. They weren’t intentional. This journal is the perfect place for grandmothers to think deeply about their relationship with their grandchild, what they want it to look like, and what they will do to develop that relationship.

There is also a section of mindfulness and being present. I’m so glad this was included. Sometimes it’s hard for adults to be present with their kids and grandkids. Not being mindful and not being present can be a relationship killer if it happens all the time. So grandmas! Be mindful! Be present with your grandkids. Please!

Carpenter lists references at the end of the book — articles, books, websites, podcasts, apps. They look like a valuable resource to new grandmothers. I can’t wait to check them out. (I know, I know. I’m not a new grandmother. But I’m still going to check them out.)

Do I give this book two-thumbs up? Most definitely. Do I give it a 5-star rating? Yes, yes, yes! I absolutely love this book and think that it is a must-have for all new grandmothers.

If you’re a soon-to-be new grandmother, buy this book. If a family member will soon be a new grandmother, buy this book for her. Buy it for your best friend, your next-door neighbor, or even the clerk at Safeways. Just buy it!

You can get The First-Time Grandmother’s Journal: Inspiring Prompts to Celebrate Your Experience with a New Grandchild on Amazon for $14.99.

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