Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together
Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together

Guess Where Guess What

Guess Where Guess What is a fun photography activity to do with your tweens and teens.

This is the last in the series of photography games.  (At least for now because I can’t come up with any more ideas . . .)

The object of this game is that grandma and the grandchildren take a picture of something and then they share it on a blog or e-mail it to the others.

The other people have to guess what object it is or where the picture was taken.

The idea is that it should be rather difficult to identify the object or the place – but not impossible to figure out.  Just difficult enough to be challenging.  As in the other games, grandma should encourage her grandchildren to be clever and creative.

Here’s an example. Let’s say that grandma and the grandchildren live in the same city.  They could take a picture of an interesting angle of the mall, the library, or a local historical monument or statue.  The picture would be of a very familiar place that everybody knows but because of the angle of the picture it is challenging to figure out where the picture was taken.

Or your grandchildren may decide to take a clever picture of an object.  For example, your grandchild could get their father’s wedding ring, stand it on its side on a table and take a macro picture of part of the side of the ring.

If you have a Flickr group or a blog, have everybody post their pictures there.  The one who guesses the most pictures correctly gets a prize.

Have fun taking pictures.

(By the way, because of the topics of the last few posts can you guess what Santa brought Grandpa and I for Christmas?)

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