Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together
Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together

Mafia Dice Game for the Family

The Mafia Dice game is a fun game for the whole family to play. And, it's easy to learn!

Our family loves to play games! In fact, at our reunion in July, our grandkids had loads of fun playing games with the family.

I like games that are easy to learn — especially when playing with smaller grandkids.

The Mafia Dice game fits that bill!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 5 dice for each player
  • a pencil and paper

I got my dice at a dollar store. I got different colors — 5 red ones, 5 yellow ones, 5 green ones. Sometimes when I’ve gone in, they’ve only had white ones. Which is okay. But, my grandkids like colored dice if they have a choice.

You’ll also need at least 3 players. Four are even better. It’s not easy if you have only 2.

The objective is NOT to have the word ‘mafia’ spelled out under your name.

Write the names of all of the players on a piece of paper.

Select someone to go first. That player rolls all of her dice. If she has any 6s, she passes them to the player on her left.

If she rolls any 1s, she sets them to her side removing them out of play.

That’s the end of her turn.

The player on her left rolls all of her dice. If she gets any 6s, she gives them to the player on her left. She sets aside any 1s that she rolled. Play then goes to the next person to the left.

Play continues going around the circle until someone gets rid of all of her dice. That person is the winner of the round.

Write the letter ‘M’ on the paper under each of the other players’ names.

Begin another round starting with the next person after the player who got rid of all of her dice.

When someone gets rid of all of her dice, that’s the end of that round. Add a letter under the other players’ names to start spelling out the word ‘mafia.’

Continue playing rounds. The game is over when someone has the complete word ‘mafia’ spelled under their name.

If your family likes this game, they might also enjoy the Liar Dice Game, the Ship, Captain, Crew, and Treasure dice game and Zilch!

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