Mafia Dice Game for the Family

Our family loves to play games! In fact, at our reunion in July, our grandkids had loads of fun playing games with the family. I like games that are easy to learn — especially when playing with smaller grandkids. The Mafia Dice game fits that bill! Here’s what you’ll need: […]

She’s So Cold Book Review

NOTE: I was given a review copy of the book She’s So Cold by Donald McInnis. However, all opinions are my own. Also, this is a book for grandmothers to read — and not al all for young children. In January of 1998, Stephanie Crowe was brutally stabbed to death […]

Camp Grandma Book Review

When I visited my grandparents while I was growing up, I played with my cousins, rode horses, helped pick raspberries, had floats with Strawberry Fanta Soda Pop (my grandma’s favorite pop). That sort of thing. I didn’t have an awful lot of interaction with my grandparents. But that was normal […]

Pour Painting Craft

Sometimes people think that they aren’t artistic enough for a craft that involves painting. (Me.) But this craft doesn’t require any artistic skill. None whatsoever! Can you squeeze a bottle of paint? Great! Then you’ve got what it takes to do this pour painting craft. Phew. Here’s what you’ll need: […]