Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together
Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together

Play Around on this Site

You can do lots of things on this unique web site.

Boy howdy! Have I got a great website for you.

It’s a hoot!

Grab a grandchild, sit down at a computer and have lots of fun.

The site is festisite. You sure can use lots of your creativity there.

Lemme show you what you can do.

My favorite part is the text generator. You type in some text and select different outputs. I like the Valentine the best. Isn’t it great?

Make this fun word Valentine on this fun web site.

You can choose a spiral layout . . .

Make a spiral graphic of your words.

… or a wave layout.

Make a wavy pattern with your words.

Or, you can have your child type in his name and create a personalized maze. (He could also type in the names of one or two of his cousins to add more fun. Then, he could e-mail the maze or print it out to give to them.)

You can do lots of things on this unique web site.

Or, your grandchild can type up a 2-3 sentence story and create a rebus. (See if you can figure out what this says!)

Make a rebus story.

Or, you can create a banner from your grandchild’s name. It will print one letter per page so you can hang the page on a string to form a banner.

In addition to things that you can do with text, you can also do fun things with photos. You can put your grandhild’s face on money. There are 127 different currencies to choose from. Your grandchild will think this is way cool.

You can do lots of things on this unique web site.

Or, you can put your grandchild’s face on a deck of cards.

You can do lots of things on this unique web site.

If your weather is as drizzly and rainy as it is right now where I live, playing around on this site would be a great indoor activity. Sheesh, it would be a great activity ANY time!

What are you waiting for? Scurry over to festisite for some great bonding time with a grandchild.


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