Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together
Strengthen Your Family by Spending Time Together

The Man Who Didn’t Like Animals

This delightful picture book tells how Old Macdonald and his animals ended up on a farm.

(I received a copy of this book but all opinions are my own.)

When I was young, I had a pet cat. A yellow cat. Not orange or butterscotch. Yellow. Pastel Easter yellow. Gorgeous yellow. I’ve never seen another cat that beautiful yellow color. Never ever.

We also had a black-and-white dog named Pee Wee. He was small. (Thus the name Pee Wee.) I loved those two critters!

Doesn’t everybody love animals?

Nope. There was one man who didn’t. He’d rather have a tidy home. (We all know how animals shed . . . )

a tidy home

Much to his chagrin, a cat showed up one day at his home. He didn’t like cats. No siree, Bob!

He tried to shoo the cat away. But everybody knows how persnickety cats are. Persnickety with a mind of their own.

Scat cat!

The cat didn’t leave.

Then another cat showed up. This cat didn’t want to leave either.

Then came a dog.

And then another one.

Then chickens, ducks, goats, and pigs with a few cows thrown in.

And how do you think his animal loving neighbors felt about all of those animals in the man’s home?

They were not happy. Not. At. All.

This delightful picture book tells how Old Macdonald and his animals ended up on a farm.

(I love that the pig is playing the piano. . . )

So what does the man do? Kick them out. Every. Last. One. Of. Them.

And how did that make him feel?


Don't leave!

Cue a group hug.

Group hug.

Well, the only thing the man could do was to move. From the city.

And that is how it came about that old Macdonald had a farm for all of his beloved animals.

This delightful picture book tells how Old Macdonald and his animals ended up on a farm.

This is such a delightful book! The illustrations are clever. (I especially love the ones of him trying to make the first cat leave. And the group hug! Yes. Definitely the group hug.)

The plot is brilliant. (Nobody — not even someone with a wild imagination — could ever imagine that Old Macdonald didn’t like animals!) I’m glad that he didn’t succumb to his neighbors’ bullying. If he had, he would have never purchased a farm and a song would never have been written about his experience, and millions of children’s lives would never be enriched by his story and a beautiful song.

Do I recommend this book?

Most definitely.

Will I read this book to my grandkids?

Over and over and over.

You know, Christmas is just around the corner. This would make the perfect gift for a grandchild. It would be a perfect birthday present or super to put in an Easter basket. Or for absolutely no other reason than you love your grandchild — and this book!

You can get a copy of this awesome book on Amazon for $18.

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