Thanksgiving is around the corner. Grandma, are you looking for things that you can do with your grandkids while the turkey is cooking? I have 4 suggestions for you. Two are easy paper activities. One is a craft. And one is a stinkin’ cute edible pilgrim hat.
The first paper activity includes 2 mazes, 2 word searches, and 1 word scramble. All are free downloads.
The second paper activity is one where family members write down things they are thankful for. There are 4 free downloads with different designs.
The craft is a turkey with colorful feathers. Mighty colorful. Those feathers are paint chips. This turkey is super easy to make. And it’s inexpensive. And if you use 2 different sizes of googly eyes the turkey looks a little goony. A goony and colorful turkey.
The last thing in this round-up is an edible pilgrim hat. Yum! A big marshmallow dipped in melted chocolate placed on top of a chocolate frosted shortbread cookie. Add a buckle made from frosting in a tube. Then you can say “I’ll eat my hat” and love eating it!
There you have it.
Have a happy Thanksgiving!